St. John the Evangelist and St. Charles Borromeo, we ask that you intercede to God for us on behalf of the work of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in our community.
We are grateful for the work of those who have gone before us, who have helped us to know more deeply the secret of childhood and have enhanced our understanding of Jesus’ words, “Whoever does not accept the Kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.”
As our ministry of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd grows, we ask for guidance and counsel in our work. We long to bring people of all ages closer to Jesus and help them understand that God is with them in everyday events. We hold in prayer Our Holy Father Pope Francis, our Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan, and our supportive Pastor and priests, the preparation of our atria, the formation of catechists, the training of our assistants, and the children and families this work seeks to serve. May more children and adults join this ministry and experience a closer relationship with God.
Help us be open to the answers that come and see the path God has laid before us.
Jesus, our Good Shepherd, bless our atrium. Make it a place where children can open their hearts to you. May they grow to love you, and never want to live apart from you. Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who truly knows each of His children by name, aid our parish in every way so that this endeavor may be pleasing to you. Amen
May our good and gracious God grant us the blessings and graces we need to live our lives in accordance with His will and give glory to His holy name. AMEN